Saturday, April 19, 2008

n e w

It's been 2 weeks since I last posted on my blog. Something unavoidable. As unavoidable as a lousy phone line which always lose its dialtone everytime after a heavy rain, or worse still, a faulty modem and a router which runs slower than my 31 years old car. Imagine how bad is that.

Back to today's post.

I still remember when I was still a little boy, everytime when mum and dad buys me a new stuff or toy, I will jump around in joy and laugh like I've won some USD $1 million lottery contest. Whenever there's something new with me, I'll keep it so tight that sometimes, I even bring it to the bathroom and hug it tight while I sleep.



I'm (still) the same ol' "little" boy; the only difference that matters is my attitude and feelings when I receive a new item, be it anything from either myself or anyone else. I wouldn't say I will still buy toys, Pokemon cards or Power Rangers action figures at my age now. Tell me frankly, who wouldn't be happy at the sight of a new item presented to them? Well, in my case, I'm not feeling anything now, as I'll be receiving one of the biggest new item I've ever had in my life so far.

Oh wait, did I just said 'biggest new item'?


Enough of the guessing and mind boggling about my new item. Besides, this 'new item' I meant isn't really a gift from someone or even anyone; it's just something which I'll be sharing with my parents. And trust me, this gift is just so....well, I'm lost with words.

One word explains it all.


More updates on this when I think of more suitable words to describe my current situation.

*OMG, LYJ, you're one weird f**ker.*

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