Wednesday, September 09, 2009

d e m o t i v a t i o n

I'm so demotivated.

Is it because of the reconciliation with L ? No, that will definitely not demotivate me, instead it motivates me to perform my daily tasks more efficiently, be it for work, leisure or anything else.

So, what is bothering me?




This exact question have been pondering up my head for several weeks already. Or maybe it was there all the while but I just didn't notice it due to my full concentration & focus towards my relationship status with L, which took a full turn during the past 2 months.

I was guessing it has to be something to do with my current job. My current job? For your information, yes, I did it. I submitted my resignation letter at the end of July, & currently serving my 3 months resignation notice period. The reason? Mainly because of this, & also because I have finally understand that getting stuck in an unproductive working environment & crappy job scope will not get me anywhere. Yes, you are so right, Grace. And if you have noticed, 3 months resignation notice period is ridiculously LONG. And serving such a long notice period in a place & job you don't fancy is such a torture.


I think this IS the main reason I'm so demotivated & restless.

As I'm still pending reply from my current company's Human Resource Department for my official last working day, here I am, clearing off the remaining work days as I slowly tick off the calendar on my work desk, wondering how my new job will be, what will I expect from there, how will I interact with my new colleagues over there.

Time passes by slowly when you are monitoring it, & speeds off unexpectedly when you least notice it.

Wish me luck, friends.