Wednesday, December 29, 2010

p e r f e c t i o n

It cannot be denied.

As per subject, we as ordinary human beings, tend to look for perfection.

Why am I saying this ?

~  whining mode up ahead ~

It all happens right after my last working day at my (now) previous company. People always say that you won't be able to understand something, until you experience it yourself. And now that I have finally experience my last working day at the work place I've merely worked for a short term, I can't help but to feel that I am already missing my ex-company. Sounds familiar? Hell yeah. Frankly speaking, true experience speaks for itself. Sometimes you might feel that leaving your current job for a supposedly better one with competitively better exposure, salary, and position will render you immune to emotional feelings. But again, once that "reminiscence" kind of feeling goes above your head, you won't be able to do anything except feeling helpless and wonder what in the world provoked you to take such a huge plunge. And believe me, once that feeling appears out of a random, you'll feel crappy. As in, REALLY CRAPPY.

~  end of supposedly-whining mode ~

Well, back to the perfection topic. What's perfection have to do with reminiscence, you ask? Well, nothing much, except that after you have experienced the conditions from the other side, you just totally forgot the whole idea of missing your ex-company, bla bla, yada yada, and feel that going to this new, upcoming company is a wise step. Ohh wow, the sudden change of order confuses you? Nothing fancy, really. It's just that by just doing a simple "site survey" on the surroundings of this upcoming new company of mine, I found out several interesting facts that I'm more than surprised to notice it. Well, back to the original quote : "you won't be able to understand something, until you experience it yourself". And so be it.

The official, first working day shall fall in the next 2 weeks or so.

Till then, I shall keep my fingers crossed and hope that the best is yet to come, as the eclipse of year 2010 fades slowly to welcome the dawn of 2011.

I need lots of luck. Seriously.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

c h r i s t m a s

As I'm posting this up, the clock ticks 12:00AM sharp, indicating the beginning of 25/12/2010, also known as the Christmas Day.

Well, I'm no Christian for sure (an Atheist, perhaps?), thus I don't celebrate Christmas. It's just that I can't help but to start thinking bout how my Christmas (almost) every year tend not to fail me in terms of a drastic or major change. Why is that ?

To summarize things, well, today is my last working day in this current company. Christmas Eve as the last working day. How fancy is that ? Fancy enough until you're sort of "forced" to have lunch with your worst enemy, sitting side-by-side, having speechless lunch with an unexplainable, uneasy feeling. In fact, I really don't know how can I end up having lunch, not any ordinary lunch, but my FAREWELL lunch with the person I hate the most in the company after one of my usual lunch "kaki's", called this enemy of mine along for lunch. Ohhh great.

Well, crappy farewell lunch aside, back to this topic. Christmas.

I still recall, 2 years ago, my Christmas was much sadden by the "loss" of my dear, good ol' Toyota Corolla to the 2nd hand car dealer. And now, this year, I have to bear the pain of having to leave the company which I really, really miss from the bottom of my heart. In fact, I have to admit that this company is the 1st ever company which I really miss after leaving.

And now that I have already stepped out of the company, under the status of "Resigned staff", I guess I just have to move forward and never, ever look back. Like what a colleague told me today, he said "The grass should be greener on the other side". Well, not much can be said bout whether the upcoming new environment is, indeed, greener than this current company of mine, but what makes me miss this company so much is because of the people here. I always feel that the people here are so much friendlier, nicer, peaceful, and humble as compared to my previous job at the bank where everyone just mind their own bl**dy business and no one cares bout u. But here in this company, I can feel the warmth. The feel as if you're back home.

I have to admit, sometimes I've really regret having to leave this current company. It's not like I hate this company, or I hate my boss or something like that. Yes, every person have their own goals and expectation towards the company they're working with, yet for myself, I felt that if I ever continue to stay here, I won't be able to advance and progress to the next stage. It's like as if I'm being thrown to the fridge, for a long long time. Long enough for me to become ice cube, that is. And when a better promotion offer by a 3rd party, complimented by an opportunity to learn more things come along, I cannot resist the temptation but to give it in and abandon this place of comfort I long rest in for the past 1 year. It's not that I don't like being in the comfort zone, but having to stick at places like this with no chance of career advancement isn't doing me any good. Might as well don't waste my youth, and go out to strive an achievement out.

And now that I'm out of there, guess it's time for me to take a good rest, rejuvenate, enjoy the year end holidays, and prepare myself for the upcoming new challenge.

Let's just hope that things will become better as the new year of 2011 arrives.

My dear Boss, I'm so gonna miss you over here.