Friday, June 06, 2008

v a c a t i o n -- p t. 1

It's been almost a week since I left my frustrating job, and now, you ask, "Where & what am I doing now?"

Well, most people asked me the same thing over & over again, and pity me, my answer is the same. No offence, but it seems like I'm constantly repeating myself to everyone that....

I'm going to several places, among them Pahang, Terengganu, Perak...and I won't be looking for a job yet until my funds run dry.

*Well, I know the last part sounds childish but heck, I've already started saving for this fund ever since I got pissed off with my previous job. *

And this is no ordinary pain you would have known of.

Ignore the self babbling above.

Back to the topic.

I'm currently at my 1st "vacation" spot (notice the quotes; it's not actually a real vacation but it's more like a place for me to chill out and get some nice, deserved rest). Actually, I've been here since Monday, and today (Friday) is the last day I'm here. Going to return home this evening, and gosh, my b*lls almost broke when this came to light. Lucky I've already filled a full tank for my car for my ride back home. Ohh, I drove all the way from home to this "vacation" spot. Bad timing for a petrol price hike. SERIOUSLY.

Ok, need to go buy the famous biscuits here for Mum and grandma. More updates on my vacation later.

*It's really been sometime already since I last felt

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