Monday, November 26, 2007

t i r e d

Seriously, I can't clearly define what I'm feeling right now.

Today is supposed to be a Monday. A freaking WORKING DAY.


I'm sitting at home right now.

NO, I'm not fired.

I took a day off to relax myself, simply by just sitting at home.

I feel so....





Who can help to cure that fatigue inside me?

1 comment:

evelyn tea said...

Yo Jian!

When are you coming to Penang again? You know you can always eat at the famous mee goreng at Gurney Drive and walk off without paying (which you can only do with me and Andrew around, hehe).

It will do good to unwind and loosen up those knotted nerves.

Perhaps KT slow-pace of life may have just left a more lasting effect on us that we actually realize, in Penang, I feel as if it is only about 28 hours of sleep in total before the next week arrives.

But try to seize time by doing one special thing everyday. Treat or pamper yourself, make someone's day, do something that you used to love doing (no outlaw crimes k?), etc.. you get my drift.

I know this sounds cliche but hey, it is one for a reason because it is a tried and tested formula... it works for me... :D